R.I.P. Robin Willaims, Thanks for the Laughs

Like so many others tonight we are fans in mourning.  This has been a significant loss of a beloved comedy figure.  Robin Williams was a legend, and in his day nobody brought it like he did.  The circumstances of his death are as shocking as they are unfortunate.  It’s hard to imagine what could have brought such an incredibly talented artist beloved by so many to such a decision.  It just goes to show us all that no matter who you are or what you have accomplished we all have demons to battle.  Sometimes after a long fight the demons can win and that seems to be the case here. I hate to think what kind of demons were eating at Robin Williams but at least his fight is over. I hope he is at peace now. Our hearts go out to the family he has left behind and we sympathize with all the other fans out there who are feeling the loss.

I will never forget Robin Williams as the Genie in the Lamp, as Professor Keating, as Peter Panning, or as Rainbow Randolf (Death to Smoochy is one of my favorite movies of all time).  My favorite of his many beloved roles is still the one he performed in The Birdcage. One of the funniest movies I have ever seen and he was terrific in it.

I’d also like to remind people of this awesome performance at the Oscars:

I will always cherish this man for what he gave us as an entertainer.  I am saddened by the loss. His career has not been what it used to be over the last decade or so.  I had always held out hope for a magnanimous comeback one day.  That will never happen now, but at least we will have what he left behind.  Great actor and comedian who I hope will be remembered fondly for what he did, and not how he ended.

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