Ewan McGregor

The Island

Year: 2005
Directed By: Michael Bay
Written By: Caspian Tredwell-Owen, Alex Kurtzman, and Robert Orci


This movie is pretty much a conglomerate of all Science Fiction movies merged together. Themes upon themes upon themes repeated and taken from other classic films.  Yet despite what many critics think I happen to be a fan of Michael Bay.  His movies may not have a whole lot going on sometimes but they are action packed and this guy has a gift for special effects and action sequences.  It’s why Bad Boys was so cool; it’s why the first Transformers movie was so good.  Yeah the guy is overseeing many remakes of timeless classics and butchering them, but he can make a cool action movie.  This is a stupid movie and a rip off at that, but that doesn’t make it any less cool or exciting does it?

I really don’t want to go into the specifics of which movies this one reminds me of because frankly I’m just not in the mood to think that hard.  If you see it yourself and you are a seasoned viewer you will recognize the many recycled Science Fiction themes all throughout the film.  I don’t think any of that matters with this movie because I happen to like it despite all of that.  Like I said, it’s a cool film and sometimes that is all that matters.  I have always been a sucker for special effects and nobody does them quite like Michael Bay.  Michael Bay has this real douche bag aura about him. The type of guy that wants to pretend he is in his 20s forever.  The kind of adult male that goes to a tanning bed and gets his hair done by a professional.  He might have a hand in many movies that make me shake my head in despair but I also think he has a specific talent that works out for him when he gets behind camera. He makes fun and exciting movies plain and simple. So despite his flaws and the movies that make me shake my head (the Friday the 13th remake, or…well Transformers 2……maybe also 3) I still like him and appreciate some of the movies he makes.

I am not particularly a fan of either of the two stars in this film.  Ewan McGregor has always been a solid actor but I haven’t liked many of his movies. Scarlett Johansson was really starting to explode around the time this movie came out but I have never been a big fan of hers either. Despite my opinion of the two stars they aren’t bad in this movie and they work with a fantastic supporting cast. I think Steve Buscemi is awesome and always have.  I have been really happy to see his career only get better and better over the years. I think he is great in Boardwalk Empire and I think he has been awesome in every single movie I have ever seen him in.  I have literally never seen Steve Buscemi in a movie and thought jeez he played an awful part but he is just that damn good.  I also think Sean Bean is awesome, one because he played the part of Eddard Stark in HBO’s Game of Thrones, and two because of all the other parts he has played over the years. Michael Clarke Duncan also has a small part and may he rest in peace.  His unfortunate and premature death left the movie industry with a significant loss.  He was a good actor and made many memorable characters over the years, he will be missed.  Djimon Hounsou has a significant role and I really liked him a lot while his star was shining bright. In very small roles are two characters from shows that I love. Kim Coates from Sons of Anarchy and Yvette Nicole Brown from Community both play small bit parts and it’s cool to see them in a big time film. I seem to see Coates all the time but this is a rarity as far as Brown goes.

I don’t usually like a movie that is like another movie but I made an exception in this case after first seeing the film.  I realized how cliché it all was but liked it despite that and added it to the collection early on; buying it nearly right after it was released. Watching it now I think the decision was justified, and am glad I chose to get it.  It’s a cool movie that has great effects and an exciting, fast paced story line. Aside from being a sucker for great special effects I am also a big sucker for the elaborate chase scene.  This movie has some great ones and that is probably what swayed my opinion in the end when I first bought the film.


I feel like this is an interesting movie. Wouldn’t it be crazy if that were our insurance policy? A complete clone that is just waiting to help us with whatever ails us or happens to us. I think this film is a really interesting look at a possible future.


When I searched for this poster, I was honestly expecting the worst. I actually like this poster. The image in the typography is a nice touch and the typography is nice. Although, if I were really, really picky I hate that ESCAPE is on the bottom and it is supposed to be holding the weight of PLAN YOUR. That’s super picky and subjective. The Island typography is cool and futuristic, but it doesn’t really go with the main font very well. It seems I am a little back and forth here. Heh.

NEXT MOVIE: It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)

Big Fish

Year: 2003
Directed By: Tim Burton
Written By: Daniel Wallace


This is an interesting movie, to me specifically because I am always trying to convince myself that I like it, I don’t do that very often.  I don’t know if it’s Tim Burton, the cameos by Steve Buscemi or Danny Devito, or the stories but for some reason I have always wanted to like it, but the truth is I just don’t.  I don’t care for Billy Crudup or the insolent son that he portrays, and I have never cared for Albert Finney. Had two different actors been cast in those roles then maybe I would feel differently about the movie.

I do like the Steve Buscemi role, I have always been a really big fan.  The guy they called “kinda funny lookin yah” in Fargo  has made quite a career for himself. Matthew McGrory plays Karl the Giant, you may remember McGrory from another film though.  He was the kid on the porch with a banjo in Deliverance, yeah the one who played dueling banjos with Ronny Cox.  Danny DeVito makes a small but notable appearance in the film.  Ewan McGregor was not bad but I am not a fan. Also worth mentioning is Helena Bonham Carter, she is so fantastic in everything she does.

I won’t tell you this movie isn’t worth your time because I know many people who liked it including Amber.  I think this movie has its moments but overall I think it is a film that should have been much better.


Unlike Ryan, I really like this movie. I feel like we all know this guy that has a story for every occasion. I feel like the man in this movie has bigger than life stories and he can always find a way to turn the tables and start telling a story about himself. I think the stories are all really interesting and also, they usually have some moral. I feel like you can tell what the base of the story is and then the bigger details that he adds in to cushion it.

One of my favorite parts in the whole film was Steve Buscemi’s role. I found it hilarious to see him so happy and upbeat. I really like this movie and it has a lot of interesting twists and turns. It is a beautifully made in true Tim Burton fashion. It is not a film for everyone, but I recommend it.

NEXT MOVIE: The Big Lebowski (1998)