Gillian Darmody

The Boardwalk Empire Series Finale

The only word that comes to mind is “brilliant.” I can honestly say this was the most satisfied I have ever been with how a television show has ended. They didn’t pull any punches and they shocked us with a great ending.

I had been a bit bothered by the unceremonious deaths of Nick Van Alden/George Mueller and Chalky White but those were simply a means to an end. They were both great characters and despite how it happened their stories ended with their deaths. I didn’t mind the way Chalky died, he had nothing left. It was Van Aldon/Mueller’s death that really disappointed me. I loved his character and hated to see him go. I had no expectation for him to survive the show I simply would have liked to see him die a bit more dramatically.

All season I have enjoyed the flashback side of the season. The actor used to play a young Nucky Thompson was incredible and my respect goes to the casting department for finding such a suitable actor to play the younger Steve Buscemi. Marc Pickering played the part and did a fantastic job with it.

For the entire final episode I was enthralled in the scenes. I sat on the edge of my seat hanging on every word until it was all said and done. I wasn’t sure what would happen to Nucky but in the final moments my mind was blown. I was annoyed any time Gillian Darmody was getting screen time because I thought it just a weak effort to keep Gretchen Mol involved but I was wrong. When Tommy Darmody announces himself right before avenging his father my jaw dropped and I had trouble sleeping afterwards due to the excitement.

It was fitting for Nucky to survive only to be gunned down in retribution for the sins of his past. I love that it ends when the lights go out for Nucky. The story dies with the man who makes it and it ends as soon as he does. This was a great final episode and it closed everything up. Far and away one of my favorite finales ever and I loved it. Great ending to a great show. It’s sad to see it end but I take solace in knowing that it ended the way it should have.