NBC’s Community

Community Season 4

Good news for all Community fans out there, the show now has an air date.  It’s a bit of a bummer that it won’t be coming on for a while but the good news is that it will be back in its old Thursday night time slot.  Airing the show on Thursday is a good thing given the studio was planning to air it on Fridays.  Friday night shows are the shows the studio has given up on though and it seemed to be a strong signal the show would soon be no more.  This is really good news for fans and I look forward to its return.  The studio announced earlier this week that the show will be returning to the air on February 7th so set your DVRs, countdown the days, and just exercise a little more patience.  I don’t know what the show will be like in the absence of fired showrunner Dan Harmon but I am confident that the cast will be enough to keep the show going.  Community is without doubt my favorite comedy on television and I want it to stick around for a long time.  Its out of the box style might be too much for some but it is perfect and like nothing else as far as I’m concerned.  If you have never seen the show it is worth checking out, especially for big time movie fans like myself.

Where is Community…..?

Like many fans of the show I was disappointed days ago when October 19th came and went without season 4 starting on schedule.  I do not know the specifics of why the show has not been on television but I found a video from the cast that explains it in perfect Community fashion.  I hope that the show comes on soon. It is without doubt one of my favorite comedies of all time and I have not been happy with the developments surrounding the show recently. Follow the link below to see the video and hopefully it fills some of the void left by the absence of the show.


Community on NBC

Recently news hit the internet that Community was renewed for a fourth season and I was really happy about it. Although it was only renewed for 13 episodes it was still better than the show getting cancelled.  Sadly from there all the news has been downhill, and now I fear that the show will not only not make it past season four but will probably lose the creative ideas that make it so great.  Community is one of my favorite shows ever, but I can understand why some people don’t get it.  It is a really out the box show with an incredibly different format altogether.  It plays off popular media in a way that really speaks to a generation like mine that grew up completely immersed in that popular media.  The show is so clever and so funny, but I’m afraid it looks like everything is going to change, and not for the better.

Following the news that the show was renewed came the announcement that it would be moved to a different day and time slot.  This should have been terrific news because throughout the show’s entire existence it has had to share a time slot with The Big Bang Theoryone of the most popular shows on television.  The ratings suffer because so many people are tuned into Big Bang, but that shouldn’t be a reflection of the Community’s value.  However, what should have been good news suddenly looked bad when the new day and time turned out to be Fridays at 8:00 or 8:30.  That time slot is the end of any show, nobody is watching television on a Friday night and it ends up being where the networks stick what nobody cares about.  They might as well have cancelled the show if they weren’t going to give it anymore of a chance than that.  Nevertheless 13 episodes was still something to get excited about when the show had been facing cancellation.  Unfortunately the news went on to get even worse from there.

Dan Harmon has been removed as the show front runner; he was fired by the studio.  The creator and main writer of the show, the most important person to the making of the show was let go.  This is the worst news that could have come because how can they possibly continue the show without him? It is his imagination and wit that make the show so great and removing him will make everything about the show different.  I don’t know why this decision was made but I know it was a mistake.  I have heard about several problems between Harmon and Chevy Chase but I can’t believe that is what led to this.  For all I care they could get rid of Chevy Chase and the show will probably be better.  Everything I hear him say about the show is bad and that is a horrible way to conduct yourself in representation of your main employment. Chevy Chase brings little to the show and it is the other characters that really shine.  All he gives the show is a recognizable name that many people remember fondly but those memories faded for me a long time ago.  Chase made some great movies in his day, but he has done little but piss people off and suck for something like the last twenty years.  Comedy Central roasted Chevy Chase once, and I read that people were so nasty to him that they decided to never re-air the episode.  From everything I have read about Chevy Chase he is not well liked within the Hollywood community and if he did in fact have something to do with Harmon getting fired then I will like him even less.

Community is one of the most creative shows I have ever seen and I look forward to it every week.  It is the best show on a night that used to be good for NBC.  However, The Office really sucks now and I haven’t liked Parks and Recreation since they added Rob Lowe to the cast.  If you have never watched Community I would encourage you to start at the beginning and watch the show grow.  That’s the best way to get into it and appreciate how funny it really is.  If you take that chance try to cherish what you have there, because that is probably as good as it’s going to get.  I will still watch the show when it returns but I have very low expectations in the wake of this troubling news.  NBC has made a horrible horrible mistake and I am really disappointed by all of these developments.

The Breakfast Club

Year: 1985
Directed By: John Hughes
Written By: John Hughes


This movie is out of order in the blog because Amber just bought it the other day.  I was really pleased and surprised when she brought it home because I think it is a terrific movie.  I haven’t seen this movie all the way through since I was in high school, so I have really enjoyed revisiting it. I have never really connected with this film on a personal level and I think that’s why we haven’t owned it before.  It is an undeniable classic though and I always love adding classics into the collection.

Like when we have reviewed certain other classics, like Caddyshack or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, I don’t think you need me to vouch for this film. Most people know how great this movie is because it’s the kind of movie nearly everyone has seen. If somehow you haven’t seen this movie there is really just one thing I think you should know before going in…it has nothing to do with breakfast.  I think the title The Breakfast Club is awesome but it is an unusual name for the movie. Early in the film the characters discuss the clubs that they are part of. Brian mentions that he is a member of a few math clubs and it is he that coins the title later in the film. Bender also asks the question “what club do you belong to?” Maybe after the time they have spent together and the things they shared with one another they belong to each other in some way, they are their own club at the end of the day.

John Hughes made many great and iconic movies but this one is near the top of his all-time greats.  We will have several opportunities to discuss John Hughes though, we own many of his films. His regulars Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall were both at their best in this movie.  Emilio Estevez is good as the straight-laced jock.  Judd Nelson is incredible as John Bender, it is his role that makes the movie so great.  They are all great and bring something good to the film but I think Nelson set himself apart with his role. Paul Gleason always has been the guy he played in this movie when I see him, so I have never been a big fan.

This movie was the main reference point for the pilot episode of my current favorite tv show.  The first episode of NBC’S Community made several references to this film and it was actually dedicated to the memory of John Hughes, who had died recently.  It was a great tribute to a man who left a big mark on the industry, he was legendary and Community has continued to reference his films throughout the series.  Community is one of the most creative and intelligent shows I have ever seen and it is actually in danger of being cancelled now.  This is a show that thinks outside of the box, it’s clever and special, but it will be a casualty due to lack of ratings unless we all support the show. I implore anyone who reads this to watch Community when it returns to the NBC line-up. Watch the earlier seasons of the show online or on DVD and get ready for new episodes.  This is one of the best shows I have ever seen, and I really hope NBC decides to keep it going.

In closing I will simply say that it has been a lot of fun to see this movie again.  The soundtrack is worth mentioning before I wrap this up too, it’s a great contemplation of 80’s songs.  I love the Simple Minds song that serves as the theme for the movie, but doesn’t everybody? This movie is great and I think it is more than worth your time.


Ah. The Breakfast Club. We didn’t own this movie, that’s why it wasn’t reviewed with the “B’s.” When Ryan has a bad day at work or a bad in general, I know that I can go and get him a movie and the world is right again. Well, such a day happened last week and as I was going to the dreaded Wal-Mart anyway…I decided to peruse the movie section when I came across this movie for a completely reasonable price. I know some people who absolutely live and die by this movie. I really enjoy it. It is one of those movies that we can all relate to in one way or another. There is probably a good chance that we are all like one if the teenagers in the film. We probably had the same upbringing and feelings that these kids had.

If you haven’t seen this movie before, it is surprising. I honestly think everyone should see this movie. It is a classic and often a go-to for parodies. Definitely check this film out if you have never seen it before.