Nucky Thompson

The Boardwalk Empire Series Finale

The only word that comes to mind is “brilliant.” I can honestly say this was the most satisfied I have ever been with how a television show has ended. They didn’t pull any punches and they shocked us with a great ending.

I had been a bit bothered by the unceremonious deaths of Nick Van Alden/George Mueller and Chalky White but those were simply a means to an end. They were both great characters and despite how it happened their stories ended with their deaths. I didn’t mind the way Chalky died, he had nothing left. It was Van Aldon/Mueller’s death that really disappointed me. I loved his character and hated to see him go. I had no expectation for him to survive the show I simply would have liked to see him die a bit more dramatically.

All season I have enjoyed the flashback side of the season. The actor used to play a young Nucky Thompson was incredible and my respect goes to the casting department for finding such a suitable actor to play the younger Steve Buscemi. Marc Pickering played the part and did a fantastic job with it.

For the entire final episode I was enthralled in the scenes. I sat on the edge of my seat hanging on every word until it was all said and done. I wasn’t sure what would happen to Nucky but in the final moments my mind was blown. I was annoyed any time Gillian Darmody was getting screen time because I thought it just a weak effort to keep Gretchen Mol involved but I was wrong. When Tommy Darmody announces himself right before avenging his father my jaw dropped and I had trouble sleeping afterwards due to the excitement.

It was fitting for Nucky to survive only to be gunned down in retribution for the sins of his past. I love that it ends when the lights go out for Nucky. The story dies with the man who makes it and it ends as soon as he does. This was a great final episode and it closed everything up. Far and away one of my favorite finales ever and I loved it. Great ending to a great show. It’s sad to see it end but I take solace in knowing that it ended the way it should have.

Did Richard Harrow Die?

Since seeing the final episode of Boardwalk Empire season 4 this has been the question nagging me day and night.  I have been a big fan of Richard Harrow since he first met Jimmy Darmody in season 1.  He’s a hit man missing half his face, that’s awesome. Beyond the mere intimidation his appearance invokes he is an interesting character beyond that.  The show has invested a significant amount of time developing the character and it seems too soon to take him from us just as he has entered Nucky’s service. I always felt the show was building to an inevitable union between Richard and Nucky.  I have been very happy to see it finally happen but will be equally as disappointed if it is over so soon.

I’ll admit that the outcome didn’t look good to me.  I think what the show left us with gave us every reason to think he was dead but left the door cracked just the tinniest bit for him to come back.  We clearly see him on the verge of death but in true HBO fashion there is a seed of doubt left in the mix. I hope he hasn’t died not only because I love the character but because what happened in the final episode is no way for him to go out.  He has never failed to make a hit when he was set on doing it and his first misstep cost him and others gravely.  I don’t care for the fact that Chalky’s daughter caught the bullet meant for Dr. Narcisse, but I will be patient and see where it goes next season.

In the meantime I’d be really interested to hear what anybody else thinks about the fate of Richard Harrow.  I want more of the Tinman. He is too good a character to simply die alone under the boardwalk.  He hasn’t accomplished enough to die yet and to go out after a mistake would be a disservice to who he was and what he brought to the show.  I think that he has probably died but the fan in me hopes very much that he lives to see another day and does great things in season 5.  What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know.

Boardwalk Empire

I am a big fan of this show and I have been watching since the beginning.  The entirety of season 3 was nothing short of incredible. This show has had its ups and downs but has come full circle in season 3. I expect big things to come in season 4.  Season 3 was action packed and powerful all throughout. Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson as finally become the ruthless badass he needs to be.  Not only did he prove in this season that he has the balls to step up to the heat but he showed us that he is the baddest of all the mobsters and isn’t afraid to prove it.  I thought Bobby Cannavale was great as the main antagonist and enjoyed his story line. This season we finally saw Al Capone come into his own and it was awesome.  Next season I think we will see Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky rise into greater power.  Obviously Joe Masseria and Arnold Rothstein will be the main antagonist of the next season and I can’t wait to see how things unfold.  If you are a fan of this show then leave me a comment and let me know what you think about it. I need some discussion on this show and know no one else that watches it.  The season 3 finale was absolutely incredible and I want desperately to talk about it.  So I want to open up discussion here for fans. What do you think will happen in season 4? What other mobsters would you like to see come into the fold? Will Bugsy Siegel’s character become more of an important part in the next season? Will they eventually go into a story line where he heads out to create Las Vegas and gets killed for it? Let me know what you think in the comments section and let this begin an open discussion on the show.