Will there be a season 4 of Community

Community Season 4

Good news for all Community fans out there, the show now has an air date.  It’s a bit of a bummer that it won’t be coming on for a while but the good news is that it will be back in its old Thursday night time slot.  Airing the show on Thursday is a good thing given the studio was planning to air it on Fridays.  Friday night shows are the shows the studio has given up on though and it seemed to be a strong signal the show would soon be no more.  This is really good news for fans and I look forward to its return.  The studio announced earlier this week that the show will be returning to the air on February 7th so set your DVRs, countdown the days, and just exercise a little more patience.  I don’t know what the show will be like in the absence of fired showrunner Dan Harmon but I am confident that the cast will be enough to keep the show going.  Community is without doubt my favorite comedy on television and I want it to stick around for a long time.  Its out of the box style might be too much for some but it is perfect and like nothing else as far as I’m concerned.  If you have never seen the show it is worth checking out, especially for big time movie fans like myself.